First Name
Last Name
Positions Filled:
Please check all positions that you filled this season.
Trainee Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter Type III
Fire Fighter Type II
Type II Crew Faller
Power Saw Operator
Danger Tree Assessor
Occupational First Aid Attendant Level 1 + Transport
Occupational First Aid Attendant Level III
Crew Leader Type III (5 Pk)
Crew Leader Type II (4 Pk)
Strike Team Leader (10 pk)
Number of Deployments
Do you feel Loki Tree emphasizes the appropriate incentives when trying to attract the best candidates to our crews?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
Did you feel that your stated goals for Summer employment were considered when we configured crews?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
Do you feel well informed about what you can do to increase your opportunity for deployment, if that is your desire?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
In your opinion, does Loki Tree provide adequate initial orientation training?
Strongly Agree
No Opinion
Strongly Disagree
Do you see a clear pathway to advancement within our company?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
Is roster flexibility a priority to you in selecting a company to work with year-over-year?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
Do you prefer a company that rewards seniority and loyalty in it's wage algorithms and deployment process?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
Did you feel that your direct supervisor(s) at Loki was experienced and well trained?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
Did you feel that your direct supervisor prioritized the appropriate broad goals and specific operations, including safety, and was effective in the execution of those goals?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
Do you feel that the trucks and equipment provided by Loki Tree was of adequate quality to provide for safety and to be compared favorably in the industry?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
Would you prefer to travel in less comfortable, older, or more basic model units, if it resulted in more deployments?
Strong Yes
No Opinion
Strong No
In order to help us improve both recruitment and retention strategies, please tell us what you consider when you make career choices in the forest sector:
Please check any of the below that apply to you.
Advertising and Promotional - bulletin boards, paid ads, newsletters, etc.
Social Media outreach
Early and consistent communication with candidates
Desirable system for crew configuration
Nice trucks and uniforms
Clear opportunities for advancement in company
Accredited training opportunities in-house (OFA, DTA, CAGC, ISA etc.)
Online or automated hiring process to improve reach
In-person interviews and career planning
Telling our company story / Creating narratives / Establishing legacy
Amenities at crew quarters / standby site
Employee association to advocate for employee desires
Benefits for full-time employees
Allowance for personal use of company vehicles
Travel policy that allows company to freely move staff around to different locations for work
Travel policy that compensates for hours incurred moving between offices for standby
Travel policy that incentivizes use of own vehicles (mileage paid) and hourly rates that allow employee to cover own cost while on the road
Travel policy that incentivizes travel in crew trucks with per diems and accom covered
Maximum Provincial coverage for the company, even if it means some travel btwn offices is on employees' own time
Hard rules for wage algorithms and seniority
Flexible rules for wage algorithms and seniority
Well outfitted crews - 2 pairs Nomex, T-shirts, etc.
Well supported deployments - management contacts, accommodation, problem solving
Stock of items for purchase - whistles, chest packs, first aid kits, etc.
Please Specify:
Use this box to tell us which items you checked are the most important ones to you. Please also add any further incentives you consider when you make career decisions.
Please use this space to provide any further commentary regarding the questions above, or to add any further feedback not captured by the above.
Please check any of the career advancement bullets that you feel you would like to pursue in the future:
Power Saw Operator training
Field Hours with a QST / QFT
Advanced First Aid Training
Wildfire Crew Leader Training
Wildfire Strike Team Leader Training
S-100 Instructor Training
Advanced S-Courses (S-212, S-241, S-230, S-235)
Danger Tree Assessor Wildfire Module
Danger Tree Assessor other module
ATV / UTV Training
Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) training
Swift Water Training
High Angle Rescue Training
CAGC Chainsaw Operator Level II
CAGC Chainsaw Operator Level III
30 Day BCFSC New Faller Training
Incident Command System 100/200
Hover Exit Training
Other (please comment)
Do you wish to work full-time through the Fall season, if possible?
No, Part time
No, prefer lay-off
Please indicate which projects you would be interested in joining
Use the comment box to indicate preference
Salmo Ski Hill Wildfire Risk Reduction - 3 weeks
Queens Bay Tsenbo Fuel Treatment Project - 4 to 6 weeks
Kootenay Lake Tree Crew - as and when
Revelstoke Tree Crew - as and when
Cariboo or Okanagan based project (tentative) - thru the winter
If it were up to you, what sectors would you like Loki Tree to focus on in 2025?
Think about what type of work you prefer to be doing day-to-day
Residential Tree Care - ie. expansion of education / science, addition of consultation services, cultivation + nursery supply
Commercial Tree Care - ie. high angle rope work, mines, dams, Hydro corridors, etc.
Municipal Tree Care - ie. golf courses, boulevard trees, developments
Wildfire Specialization - ie. prescribed burning, firesmart, fuel treatment,
Logging - ie. woodlots and private land
Vegetation Management - ie. bucket truck work, long-span brushing contracts, etc.
Wildfire Crews - office expansion and related opportunities
Are you interested in joining us for a SEASON ENDING PARTY??
We will be providing a venue, some fine beverages, and possibly even some prizes to take home. First, we need to gauge your interest!
Undecided at this time - STBY 5
NEGATIVE, ghostrider
What Dates / Times work best for you?
Weekdays during the Day
Weekends during the Day
Weekday Nights
Weekend Nights